World Energy Consumption 1970-2023 - Fossil fuel percentage

This analysis contains only the 60-odd countries that have reported on energy consumption by source for the full period since 1970. It includes the major polluters - China, US, India, Russia, Japan, and Indonesia.

The units on the vertical axis of each chart are percentages of fossil fuel consumption. Current world consumption of fossil fuels is around 80% per year, having fallen from over 90% in 1970.

Kyoto Protocol agreements

Data source: Our World in Data.

% Fossil Fuel Consumption by Country and Year sorted by percent (in 2023)

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Non-fossil fuel sources

Fossil fuel sources


Sorted by percentage (in 2023)

Sort by years to achieve 0%

Sort alphabetically

1. Iceland [17% percent]


2. Sweden [25.9% percent]


3. Norway [27.9% percent]


4. Finland [38.4% percent]

5. Switzerland [43.2% percent]

6. France [48% percent]

7. Brazil [48.7% percent]

8. Denmark [57.3% percent]

9. New Zealand [57.7% percent]

10. Austria [59.9% percent]

11. Portugal [64% percent]

12. Bulgaria [64.7% percent]

13. Canada [65% percent]

14. Spain [66.1% percent]

15. Chile [69.5% percent]

16. Romania [70.3% percent]

17. Ecuador [71% percent]

18. Colombia [71.1% percent]

19. Hungary [73.3% percent]

20. Peru [73.6% percent]

21. United Kingdom [74.2% percent]

22. Belgium [74.7% percent]

23. Germany [75% percent]

24. Venezuela [75.8% percent]

25. Vietnam [77.2% percent]

26. Sri Lanka [77.6% percent]

27. Ireland [77.7% percent]

28. Greece [78.4% percent]

29. United States [80.6% percent]

30. Italy [80.7% percent]

31. Netherlands [81.2% percent]

32. Turkey [81.3% percent]

33. World [81.5% percent]

34. China [81.6% percent]

35. Pakistan [81.9% percent]

36. South Korea [82.2% percent]

37. Japan [83.4% percent]

38. Argentina [83.7% percent]

39. Australia [85% percent]

40. Russia [87.5% percent]

41. Poland [87.8% percent]

42. Philippines [88% percent]

43. Luxembourg [88.3% percent]

44. India [89.2% percent]

45. Indonesia [89.6% percent]

46. Mexico [90.1% percent]

47. Cyprus [90.4% percent]

48. Taiwan [91.2% percent]

49. Morocco [91.6% percent]

50. United Arab Emirates [91.8% percent]

51. Malaysia [92.1% percent]

52. Thailand [92.2% percent]

53. Israel [92.9% percent]

54. Egypt [94.1% percent]

55. South Africa [94.4% percent]

56. Iran [97.7% percent]

57. Iraq [98.6% percent]

58. Bangladesh [99% percent]

59. Oman [99% percent]

60. Hong Kong [99.1% percent]

61. Qatar [99.4% percent]

62. Singapore [99.5% percent]

63. Algeria [99.7% percent]

64. Kuwait [99.9% percent]

65. Saudi Arabia [99.9% percent]

66. Trinidad and Tobago [100% percent]

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