data visualization

Achieving Page Speed with a Data-heavy Visualisation

(or, Why I hate Tableau)

SingaporeJS (2020), BrisJS (2023)

Murray Bourne

Background (a)

  • Wife: "This site is sucky!"
  • Holy grail:
    • < 1 second load time on phone
    • Minimal blocking by JS and CSS
    • Low bandwidth
    • No layout shift

Background (b)

  • Tableau Public example: Energy Consumption
  • Slow
  • Bloated
  • Clunky
  • Uses iframe (why??)
  • Uses one huge background image
  • 1500 px wide - not mobile friendly.


  • Is popular for data visualization
  • Is versatile - has many different chart types:
  • Tableau graph types
  • Allows filtering and sliders
  • Handles huge data sets

Tableau example's speed (Lighthouse)

  • Pagespeed: Mobile
  • Tableau pagespeed mobile
  • Pagespeed: Desktop
  • Tableau pagespeed desktop


  • Bandwidth: 8.95 mB
  • 1 mB unused JS
  • Clunky
  • Has "whiteouts"
  • Ignores/delays user interactions

Tableau example's analysis (a)

Tableau example's analysis (b)

  • WebPageTest analysis 2
  • WebPageTest analysis 3

Alternative version: fast and mobile friendly

How? (a)

  1. Uses SVG for charts
    • Created on the server using PHP; cached
    • 3 charts appear on page load;
    • Rest are retrieved via AJAX on scroll
  2. Inline everything:
    • CSS
    • JS
    • SVG

How? (b)

  1. JS data blobs
    • Needed for graph interactions;
    • Created on the server using PHP;
    • 3 blobs appear on page load;
    • Rest are retrieved via AJAX as needed
    • cunArrays['AUS'] = [];
      cunArrays['AUS']['oil'] = [1.0447,1.0737,...]
      cunArrays['AUS']['coal'] = [0.8341,...]
      cunArrays['AUS']['gas'] = ...
      brdPropsArr['asvg3SVG']['actualYmin'] = -0.30475;
      brdPropsArr['asvg3SVG']['actualYmax'] = 2.74274;
      brdPropsArr['asvg3SVG']['yMax'] = 2.43799;	

How? (c)

  1. Uses Cloudflare CDN (free)
    • "Cache everything"
  2. Uses one domain only, yet has:
    • Google analytics

Speed of improved version

  • Pagespeed: Mobile
  • B2L pagespeed mobile
  • Pagespeed: Desktop
  • B2L pagespeed desktop

Analysis of improved version (a)

  • GTMetrix: Desktop
  • B2L gmetrix desktop
  • Blocking time: 0 ms

Analysis of improved version (b)

Bandwidth of improved version

  • Initial page load: ~ 110 kB (cf 8.95 MB: 98.8% better)
  • 273 kB in total (fully scrolled): 96.9% better
  • JS library bandwidth: 0 kB (cf 461 kB: better)
  • Image bandwidth: 0 kB (cf 4.72 MB: better)
  • 0 CLS (cf 0.507: better)



For fast pages:

  • Keep it lean - optimise everything
  • Avoid unneccesary javascript bloat
  • Reduce domain calls
  • Inline everything
  • Avoid multiple Webfonts
  • JIT (just in time) - images, ads
  • Cache everything!


  • Achieving speed with a data-heavy page is possible
  • No site should be sucky!

Thank you!

Questions? Comments?

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