
These pages are a sobering reminder of how far we need to go before we no longer burn fossil fuels for energy.

The good news is most countries are heading in the right direction (using less fossil fuels and becoming more efficient) but we're a long way from what's needed.

Energy Consumption

Energy consumption by fuel and country Contains interactive charts showing how far we have to go to reduce fossil fuel usage.
Total Energy consumption Most economists push the idea that growth in everything is the way to go - economies, populations, energy consumption. However some countries have managed to reduce their overall energy consumption while growing their populations and their economies. These charts show it can be done.
Energy Intensity by country Contains interactive charts showing how efficient various countries are at using energy for producing economic output.
Achieving Page Speed with a Data-heavy Visualisation (slides) These are the slides for a talk I gave for Singapore's TalkJS meetup, where I demonstrate how a Tableau Public visualisation of the energy consumption data can be speeded up considerably.