Ngee Ann Polytechnic's New Teaching Hub Under Contruction

1. Describe what is happening in the picture.

2. Describe the building stages that occured before this picture was taken.

3. What will they be doing next in this part of the building?

4. Singapore is largely built on red clay. What are the things that a builder must do to make the building stable on red clay?


1. What is the (green) machine in the middle background? What is it for?

2. Safety is important in building sites. Describe what the workers are doing and what they are wearing, in terms of their safety.


1. There are 4 different types of reinforcement shown in this picture. How will these different types of reinforcement be used in the different structural components of this building?

2. Comment on the tidiness of the site and the effect this could have on safety.


One of the most common types of construction accidents in Singapore concerns cranes.

1. What can go wrong when using a crane?

2. How can crane accidents be prevented?
